How to Join the Seahorse Society


Membership Application


Please email the Membership Secretary:
Please include the following information:


Required information:


  • Your name (Male or female).
  • Your email address.
  • Date of birth. (You must be 18 or over to join).
  • Some background information, such as your involvement in cross-dressing.
  • How you wish to be interviewed, eg phone or email.
  • How you will be paying your subscription fee (cash at a meeting, Internet Bank Transfer, sending a cheque or money order).


    Optional information


  • How you found out about Seahorse.
  • Introducing member's name, if applicable.
  • Femme name.
  • If you are a re-joining member, if applicable.
  • Supporting partner's name.
  • Your postal address, if you wish to have the monthly magazine mailed to you. Most members are happy to have the magazine emailed to them.





    Required Your Name
    Required Your Email
    Required Your Date of Birth.
    (You must 18 years or older)
    Required Your Address.

    Your Femme Name (optional)



    SUPPORTING PARTNER (if applicable)

    If you have a supportive partner, you may supply details here (optional):


    Support Partners Name :



    MEMBER REJOINING (if applicable)

    If you were previously a member of the Seahorse Society.
    Rejoining members are likely to be easily and quickly approved.
    Membership No. or year of joining (if known), Femname previously used:



    INTRODUCING MEMBER (if applicable)

    If you being introduced to the Society by a current Seahorse member:

    Member's name:

    Member No (if known):




    Required To assist with processing your application, please describe:

  • Your past and/or present interest and involvement in cross-dressing.
  • If you were previously a member of the Seahorse Society or a similar organisation.
  • Partner's attitude to cross-dressing,
  • Your ability to attend Seashore meetings (e.g. rural NSW or inter-state),
  • What are you hoping to gain by joining Seahorse,
  • and/or anything else that you consider relevant.

    A bit too much information is better than too little.







    Please check that you filled in all the Required information.

    Our Membership Secretary, will be in contact with you in the next few days.
    If you have not had a reply after one week, please

    email her a reminder.